maths academy 2019-2020 homepage
The Maths Academy 2019-2020

This year The Maths Academy will be offering interactive lectures to Y12-Y13 students and schools across South Yorkshire and beyond! The lectures will introduce students to university mathematics topics in a friendly explorative fashion with students leading the direction that talks go in. There's no homework or stress; it just coffee shop mathematics at its best with plenty of interaction, fun, and tasty snacks to keep our brains ticking over! You can find details of lecture topics, dates, times, and locations in the descriptions below.

Contact, support and registration:

If you'd like to attend the Interactive Lecture Series then please email Fionntan Roukema (f.roukema(at), or register when you show up at your first session. General questions are also very welcome!

Interactive lecture series

This is an interactive lecture series aimed at eager and interested year 12 and year 13 students. The lectures will be highly interactive and so the session content may differ from the titles and descriptions below. All sessions will take place on Thursdays 16:30-17:45 in the Hicks Building in Lecture Theatre B (see the map below). To get to Lecture Theatre B enter at the small entrance of Hicks Building at the bottom of the hill.

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An introduction to toplogy by Fionntan Roukema

Mathematics is about surprising and beautiful connections. This session will be an introduce "topology" (rubber sheet geometry), and focus on fantastic surpising connetions. You will decide whether we use our new "floppy geometry" to prove great things in geometry or number theory or chemistry. We'll also use this session to decide the topics for our remaining lectures.

Location/time: 14/11/2019, 16:30-17:45, Lecture Theatre B, Hicks Building (use the entrance at the bottom of the hill).

What is infinity?

After a democratic vote, the Maths Academy participants asked to have a talk inspired by the question "What is Infinity?" This question has many interpretations, and we'll follow our nose on the day. We may end up constructing sets with differing infinite sizes, but we might also think about the infinite processes that sit beneath real numbers; the choice will be yours!

Location/time: 21/11/2019, 16:30-17:45, Lecture Theatre B, Hicks Building (use the entrance at the bottom of the hill).


Location/time: 28/11/2019, 16:30-17:45, Lecture Theatre B, Hicks Building (use the entrance at the bottom of the hill).

A Mathematical Surprise!

Come and be mathematically delighted :-)

Location/time: 05/12/2019, 16:30-17:45, Lecture Theatre B, Hicks Building (use the entrance at the bottom of the hill).

Irrational & Transcendental Numbers: The Who, What & Why

The study of irrational and transcendental numbers forms a particularly odd branch of mathematics, concerned with understanding numbers that are specifically defined by their otherness. In this respect they are necessarily mysterious, as we can only study them in terms of what they are not. In this talk, I will introduce some familiar numbers and talk about the proofs that established their irrationality, before moving on to discuss some important results in the theory of algebraic and transcendental numbers.

Location/time: 12/12/2019, 16:30-17:45, Lecture Theatre B, Hicks Building, (use the entrance at the bottom of the hill).